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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Beauty of Paradise From Indonesian

Bird of paradise, known as Paradisoaeidae Apoda, Minor, Cicinnurusm Regius, And Seleudicis melanoleuca is a bird that comes from Papua province of Indonesia. Birds of Paradise is very pretty in color - the color of their feathers are diverse. A bird of paradise feathers male has a very bright and colorful - colorful. This is so that the male birds have the allure of her partner (a female bird of paradise). At the time of seeking attention to her partner, the male birds of paradise will use fur color is very sharp and attractive partner, particularly fur leherlah section that will be used to lure the opponent jeniasnya. Many Papuans believe that birds of paradise this is the incarnation of a god - a goddess who descended to earth.

Because of its population is dwindling, the bird of paradise is an animal that is protected by the Indonesian government. Bird of Paradise is used as the mascot of Papua.
By having fur - fur is very beautiful, the bird of paradise is much preferred by most people.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

History Of Gamelan


Gamelan is a set of musical instruments with pentatonic melodies, which consists of: Kendang, Bonang, Bonang Successor, demung, Saron, Peking (Gamelan), Kenong and kethuk, Slenthem, Gender, Gong, Xylophone, fiddle, zither, flute. Gamelan comes from the Javanese "Gamel" which means hitting / beating, followed by the suffix "an" that makes it a noun. The term of the orchestra itself was as a single musical instrument played together. The main part of the gamelan instruments are: Bamboo, Metal, and Wood. Gamelan is found in the 8th century Borobudur temple in Central Java. 

In Javanese mythology, the gamelan was created by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka era 167 (c.AD 230), the god who ruled as king of all Java from a palace in the mountains Maendra in Medangkamulan (Lawu now). Gamelan at the time it was used as a medium to summon the gods - gods, in order to convey a more complex message. 

Gamelan is the music created by the blend of sound gong, kenong and other Javanese musical instruments. The rhythm of the music is soft and reflects the harmony of Javanese life will soon greet and soothe the soul so heard. 

Ala Okresta Javanese Gamelan 

Gamelan is surely not a foreign music. It has been popular continents and has created a new blend of jazz-gamelan music, gave birth to the institution as a learning space and the expression of gamelan music, to produce famous gamelan musicians. Gamelan music instrument can now be enjoyed in many parts of the world, but Yogyakarta is the most appropriate place to enjoy the gamelan it since you can enjoy the original version. 
Gamelan developing in Yogyakarta is Javanese gamelan, a different form of gamelan Balinese gamelan or Sundanese gamelan. Javanese gamelan has a softer tone and slow, unlike the Balinese Gamelan dynamic and Sundanese gamelan highly dominated lilting voice and flute. The difference is reasonable, since Java has a view of life that is expressed in the rhythm of gamelan music. 

Javanese philosophy expressed in gamelan music is the harmony of physical and spiritual life, harmony in talking and acting so it does not throw an explosive expression and tolerance between people realize. Concrete manifestation in his music is the pull rope fiddle being, a balanced blend of sound kenong, saron drums and xylophone and gong sounds on every cover of rhythm. 
There is no clarity about the history of the emergence of musicians. The development of gamelan music is expected since the emergence gong, fiddle, pat into the mouth, the friction on the rope or thin bamboo to familiar musical instruments from metal. Further development after named gamelan, music was used to accompany wayang performance, and dance. It was not until some time later stand as its own music and is equipped with voice sinden. 
A set of gamelan consists of several instruments, including a set of similar musical instrument drum called drums, fiddle and zither, xylophone, gongs and bamboo flutes. The main components that make up the gamelan music instruments are bamboo, metal, and wood. Each instrument has its own function in gamelan music show, for example, closing a gong instrumental music rhythm long and gives the balance after the previous musical rhythm decorated by gending. 
Javanese gamelan is music with pentatonic melodies. A complete gamelan game consists of two rounds, the slendro and pelog. Slendro has 5 tones per octave, ie 1 2 3 5 6 [C D E + GA] with small interval difference. Pelog has 7 tones per octave, ie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [C + D E F # G # AB] with a large interval difference. Gamelan music composition created with some rules, which consist of several rounds and pathet, limited by the gong and the melodies were created in a unit consisting of 4 tones. 
You can see gamelan as a separate musical performances as well as a dance or performing arts such as wayang kulit and Ketoprak. As a show of its own, gamelan music is usually combined with the sound of the Javanese singers (male singers and female singers called wiraswara called waranggana). Gamelan music performances are held now may be a classic or contemporary gamelan. One form of contemporary gamelan is jazz-gamelan as a combination of music with pentatonic and diatonic tone. 
One of the places in Yogyakarta where you can see performances of gamelan is Kraton. On Thursday at 10:00 to 12:00 pm gamelan as a musical performance itself. On Saturday at the same time held the gamelan music as accompaniment shadow puppets, while on Sunday at the same time held the gamelan music as a traditional Javanese dance accompaniment. To see the show, you can go to Sri Maganti Ward. Meanwhile, to see the old gamelan, you can go to another kingdom which lies further to the rear. 

The Process Of Making Gamelan 

Gamelan is used as an accompaniment sounds in leather puppet show or puppet. Gamelan is used as a folk art and palace. In gamelan there are the values ​​of religious-magical, so dilaksanakanlah certain ceremonies before gamelan sounded in pagelarannya. Until now, the manufacture gamelan still done traditionally, using simple technology with the ceremonies and rituals of a particular behavior, so that the relationship between technology and ceremonies as well as very erat1 behavior. In use, such as the sounds produced, remained the same from ancient times to the present. 
Only a man who worked in the manufacture of gamelan as it required great physical strength, such as in the forging process with a mixture of soil and copper which has a weight of up to tens of kilograms. There should also be a special behavior in the process of making gamelan in order not to fail. Such behavior is a behavior that is both rational and irrational. Rational behavior is any action in relation to the raw material, while a ceremony irrational behavior either before, while, and after the manufacturing process so that all the inhabitants of the invisible realm other spirits bless mereka2 effort. 
Gamelan making process occurs in two places, namely in the besalen and beyond besalen 

1. In The Besalen 
Besalen is a special room that can be referred to as the kitchen in the process of making the gamelan instruments. Besalen used in the forging process from raw material to finished, so it is also called as the "kitchen" because it contains equipment "cooking". Besalen building is a building wall or half wall. Besalen relationship with a tiled roof which is about 7-8 meters and a roof supported by wooden poles high to avoid themselves from perapen fire (fire) because the process of forging a gamelan gong ageng use perapen fire was smoldering. 
The raw materials used are tin and copper, while the tool used is perapen, hammer, kowi, and penyingen. Making in the besalen done by blacksmiths gamelan. The area around perapen, which is the heart besalen, should be as dark as possible as long as the gamelan processed in perapen, care workers and especially penyukat penglamus should be directed entirely on the color of the metal is being burned, so dark for the desired color can be seen clearly and precisely, and do not be fooled by other colors that might occur if the incoming light (bright). 
Processes that occur in the besalen begins with copper and tin were incorporated into kowi (bowl to melt the ingredients in making seladren). Kowi perapen previously burned in order not to break up the red for ± 1 hour. 
The next process to make legokan (basin) in the middle is Jero. Then proceed with the third process, namely nyanduk. Nyanduk is the process of making cendukan (basin) is adjusted to a predetermined size. This process is referred to as ndodok used for the implementation of high order Lakar pedestal can be placed in a standing position, so it can be in dodog (hit from the inside). 
In the fourth process is ngundurke, which is hit with a backwards way to make a corner using a hammer-unduran retreat. This process aims to create a smell (shoulder) and followed by smoothing the way Mendo, the leveling is done from the inside. Until this process is complete, the smell has not reached the size that corresponds to a predetermined, so it must be changed to increase the odor in accordance with a predetermined size. Usually the size of the right smell can only be achieved after the repetition of the process and the process ngundurke jero until about four times. At this time Lakar been demonstrated as a form of gamelan (kempul), although not perfect. 
Then the process is lakaran fifth. Lakar Lakaran is made ​​by way of forging the edge to form the Lambe that can later be round and smooth. The initial step is jleber process, the surface of the forging process Lakar to be wide. Then perform the four kinds of blow hammer, hammer ngarep first is, that the first blow at the front which precedes and gives instructions on the next penalu place where that should be hammered. Both are hammer nengah conducted immediately after the hammer ngarep hammering. Third, ngapit hammer, hammering the shy part Paluan nengah empty or experiencing errors pemaluan. Fourth, hammer nepong, which serves Paluan previous leveling. 
Term is then used to see if the size of the gamelan is still appropriate or not, if not changed, we then performed to further refine Mendo gamelan and continued with the process mamasu as the last stage of the forging process. 
The last process is carried out in the besalen is gluing, which incorporate gamelan into planden (made ​​right into the floor covered with bricks cemented at the edges so as to resemble the well) directly from perapen. Plandan water to cool the gamelan that has been processed in besalen 

2. Outside Besalen 
The process was first carried out besalen is cemengan filing process is done by using a coarse or pematar3 miser. Cemengan is the as-yet-tone gamelan. Pematar (workers) then the process ngalus (smoothing) using the soft portion stingy or miserly alus. Then the process continued with nesik, namely smoothing with tesik tool. At this time nglaras process (giving tones) has begun because the tone is done in conjunction with the granting of doing these processes. 
The next stage is carried out by scouring (worker to smooth gamelan with polished) is menggunkaan ngamril with sandpaper. Furthermore perform the gebeg process, which smooths gamelan with menggunkaan neggosoknya with bricks that have been finely ground, as well as the last process is mbraso, which makes gamelan berkilan using braso. 
In making gamelan, is the most important process nglaras process, namely the process of tone. Required high sensitivity of the ear pelaras (melaras workers) so that the resulting tone right. Melaras carried out concurrently with the main job as pematar, because of the high degree of difficulty, for such a large gamelan gong melaras ageng usually required expert nglaras ageng gong. Tune the process is important in determining the quality and characteristics of the barrel (voice). 
Each form of gamelan, as pancon or wilahan, require melaras different ways. The most important thing to note is when enlargement or diminution of tone. In knowing the accuracy of the tone, it is done by hitting the gamelan gamelan or touching the knee (for gamelan wilahan) 
Enlargement tone for gamelan wilahan done by filing the weakness gradually to obtain the required tone. Diminution wilahan tone gamelan is done by filing the Buntar little by little until it reaches the right tone as well. 
In gamelan pancon and bonang, enlargement is done by hitting the tone rai bit by bit from the outside, or hone on the rai, dudu, and pok pencu (pencu bottom). Diminution tone done by menjuluk (hitting from the direction in) little by little on the rai. However, in larger bonang tunings, kempul and suwu'an, requiring another way, namely using clay. 
Clay is used to find the right tone by putting clay on the inside of the gamelan pencudan then beaten for his voice to be heard. Effort to maintain the voice is done by taking clay gradually followed by hitting the close pencu from the outside or from the inside (didedeg) on the edge of rai. Clay can also be placed on the edge to get it done rai and also in few at a time, which should be in at the close of clay is placed so that the blow is done from the outside but punches can also be done from within ie in the near Pancu. 
Gamelan which has been processed beyond besalen means gamelan has become perfect, but before being handed over to the buyer, the gamelan should be placed and arranged in advance on rancakan (gamelan) which usually has been ordered by the owner besalen from the manufacturer. 

Gamelan Size Type pencon 

Religious System In The Manufacture Of Gamelan 

According to the belief in the instrument maker, gamelan-making is not only implemented in the real world (earthly), but also implemented in nature that are not visible (occult) so successful in making the gamelan can only be achieved when implementing the manufacture gamelan performed in two worlds is going well and harmoniously. 
Owner besalen is the main man for the creation of the natural harmony between the two. At night besalen owners and should not be sleeping with a vowel bersasmita not brake-literate assisted by his wife. It also held an offering for the salvation of the inhabitants of the supernatural. 
In salvation there are offerings of rice ingkung uduk with chicken, fried soybean, onion, salt and pepper, crackers, fried chili, red and white porridge, bran porridge with coconut and sugar, then Sekul whetstone as consisting of two pieces of white rice, noodles fries, chili fries, tempeh, tofu, Asmaradhana (beans mixed with coconut and sugar are processed), cenggereng, lento cassava, fried fish, crackers, chicken offal, also Sekul golong the form of white rice that comes with a solid spherical grilled chicken complete, as well as traditional snacks, bekokok (sticky rice stuffed shaped) as much as the two men and women, and ciu (a type of liquor) as a complement bekokok. 
After the food dikondangke (prayer recited jointly by participants salvation), then both bekokok then buried near plandang and then doused with ciu. Made bekokok intent is to create creatures that do not look so "they" want to keep the safety of the workers 
Salvation which was held after the making of gamelan called riyayani. Salvation is intended as a token of gratitude and notice to the "residents" of the supernatural that manufacture gamelan was over. 

Gamelan Making Process:



Puppet is one of the top arts and culture of Indonesia which palig stand out among many other cultural works. Culture puppets include acting, singing, music, literary arts, speech, painting, sculpture and art symbol. The development of puppet developing over time which is a light medium, propaganda, education, hiduran, philosophical understanding, as well as entertainment.

There are two opinions about the origin - the origin of puppets. First, puppets originated and was first born in the island of Java, precisely in East Java. This opinion besides embraced and advanced by the researchers and experts of Indonesia and the results of the research scholars western nations. Group of western scholars who are included in this group are Hazeau, Brandes, Kats, Rentse, and Kryut.

According Ir.Sri Mulyono in his book Symbolisme and mysticism in the Puppet (1979), estimate the puppet has existed since Neolithic times, which is about - about 1,500 years BC. His opinion is based on the writings of Robert von Heine Geldern Ph.D., Preshistoric Research In The Netherland Indies (1945) and The Encyclopedia of Indonesia Prof.KAHHidding writing on page 987.

The word "puppet" probably derived from "Wewayangan" which means shadow. This fact is based on the time of Wayang Kulit performances that use color, a piece of cloth as a barrier between the puppet and the puppeteer who plays the audiences of color behind it. The audience can only watch puppet puppet movement through the shadow color. Puppet performances accompanied only by a simple set of gamelan consist of saron, Todung (a type of flute), and kemanak. Another type of gamelan and singer at that time thought to be lacking.

In the kingdom of Majapahit introduced another puppet story that is not orphaned in the Book of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. At that time the Panji stories, the story of the ancestors of the king - the king of Majapahit, was introduced as one form of another puppet. Panji stories are then more widely used for Wayang Beber. Puppet story also forwarded by some of the scholars of Islam at the time of them by the Wali Sanga. They mengkisahkan the king of Majapahit, including Damar Wulan story. The entry of Islam into Indonesia since the 15th century, giving pengarh Puppet big on culture, particularly the religious concept of the philosophy of the puppet itself. In the early 15th century, or rather at the time of the Demak Kerajaraan Puppet performances began using specially shaped oil lamps called Blencong.

At times Kartasura, Wayang stories are not orphaned in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata increasingly distant from the original story. At the time of the public that knows genealogy enthusiasts puppet puppet characters like god figures, which have origin - its that begins with Adam, and continuing to the kingdom of Java. Since the advent of the Kingdom of Javanese wayang story becoming known in any story that is Puppet CTL.
At CTL Puppet is becoming known standard story and the story line.


Puppet-making ways is not easy besides it takes several requirements including someone who must have the soul of art, a high level of patience, diligence, and skill that not everyone can have it. Therefore the price of a pretty fantastic Puppet starts from the price range of hundreds, millions, even billions of dollars to the price.


Materials - materials needed to make a Puppet is as follows:

1 Paper / Cardboard
The paper used for the manufacture of Paper Puppet is Marga. With Paper Marga is what will be used for training hew / carve at an early stage.
2 Skin
Leather is the main material used for the manufacture of Wayang Kulit. The leather used for the manufacture of Wayang Kulit is Goat Leather, Buffalo Leather, Cow Leather or. Among these three skins, buffalo leather is one of the best skin for Puppet-making because this is a buffalo skin leather that has a very good quality or high quality.

Before the skin - the skin is used to manufacture Puppet, first skin - the skin are treated properly so that the skin - the skin has high quality, good and not easily damaged. As for how the processing of leather - the leather is as follows:

a. The skin should be soaked first for 24 hours then the skin is stretched so that the skin becomes wide in accordance with their needs in the Puppet-making.
b. The skin is stretched to be the width of the straight and taut by drying up completely - completely dry.
c. After the skin is dry then start mashing and dibersihan part - part of the skin by hand or by means scraped. The aim is that the skin becomes smooth, which will make it easier for the manufacture of Wayang Kulit in hew, sculpt or carve it.


The tool - a tool used to create Puppet including:

1 Pair
Is a tool that is used as a foundation / base to sculpt, this mix is usually made ​​of wood sapodilla tree, ketos wood, wood trengguli, dried and crushed. The goal is to use as a foundation / base when sculpt / carve the skin in Wayang Kulit making it more easier for the manufacturer.
2 Overwrite
Overlap comes from the Javanese language, which means a burden or encumber or could also mean pressing. The function of the overlap Inia dalah to suppress skin during the manufacturing process Puppet does not shift. Usually the weight of this overlap ranged from 0.5 to 3 kg of which depends on the size of a small or Puppet to be made.
3 Gandhen (Palu)
Gandhen or hammer used as a bat sculpture / carving at the time of manufacture of Wayang Kulit.
4 Nights
Night serves as a lubricant for easy carving gouge revoked on the skin. In addition to night usually also can use the materials of wax or soap.
5. Tatah
Chisel or chisel is used to sculpt or carve leather in the manufacture of Wayang Kulit. There are two types of chisel chisel chisel straight and curved.
6. Ungkal
Serves to sharpen chisel or chisel chisel or chisel when it has begun to be less sharp.

Once the materials and tools - these tools are fulfilled, then start making Puppet stage by stage, by holding a reference that has a high art, kelitian, patience, and of course quality.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Hamsters are mammals that include the rodent family that had a variety of species and are almost in every country. Hamsters are often used as laboratory animals (because of their rapid reproduction) with rats and other rodents. 

The characteristics of the hamster is having a stout body, short tail, the bottom of the hamster white to gray and black, with a thick hairy coat color varies depending on the hamster species, there is a plain-colored hair hamster (1 color) as black, gray, white, brown, yellow (gold), mocha, and some are colored stripes (2 colors) such as black and white, white ash, and white chocolate. 

Most species of hamsters have cheek pouches that are useful to bring food to the burrow / nest them to be stored or stockpiled. The word 'hamster' comes from the German word 'hamstern' which means 'to hoard'. 

Hamster comes from the northern region to central Europe Siberia, Mongolia and northern China to Korea, and also from the south, from Syria to Pakistan. 

They used to breed in the border of the desert, the dunes and at the foot of the mountain, lowland heath-bush and rocky, in the valley bersungai, vast grasslands, and there are some who also lived in the planting fields. 
Hamsters have a few species, such as the European hamster, Gansu, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Campbell, Kam, Armenia, Siberia (Russia), Korea, Ladak (Tibet), Mongolia, Roborovski, Romania, Sokolov, Syrian (golden hamster), China, and Turkey.

The size of hamsters there were small and large depending on the type / species. For a small hamster or often called dwarf hamsters (dwarf) has a body length of 5 cm to 10 cm, while the large-sized hamster 10 cm to 18 cm. 

Hamster species commonly kept and bred in Indonesia is kind Roborovski hamster, Siberian (Winter White), Campbell, and Syria (Syrian). Roborovski hamsters, Winter White and Campbell, including the type of dwarf hamster syrian hamster while including a large hamster types. 
Each type of hamsters that have different colors and patterns, especially on the type of campbell and syrian many types of color and tone.

10 Facts About Dogs You Do not Know

Dogs must have often seen in our lives especially if we have a faithful pet dog awaits our return. But are you sure that you know all the facts about a pet dog? Here are 10 facts about dogs that you do not know.
A Brief introduction

Do you know this animal?

  Yes, it is a "dog", of dogs in our lives can be found in almost every place in Indonesia, both from wild dogs or a local or domestic pet dog that cost millions.
But what's so special about binatan Dogs as pets?

I myself never read an excerpt:

     "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." - Josh Billings

     "Dogs Never bite me, just human" - Marilyn Monroe

Dogs can be a true friend when we as humans where humans leave or hurt them, these animals will always be faithful waiting for our presence.

  Like the documentary film "Hachiko" about male dogs (Akita Inu Race) in Japan is waiting for his master at the station shibuya, tokyo. until eventually a sculptor named Teru Ando who touched the story of Hachiko sculpture that now can you see in statsiun Shibuya, Tokyo. To know more about your pet loyal following 10 facts you may not know about the dog.
1 Dog Not Color Blind
  You've heard the myth that dogs are color-blind in fact, can only see black and white. But in fact the dogs are not color blind, they can distinguish colors. Although unlike humans who can see millions of colors, the dog is in fact not always see everything in black and white.
Indeed, dogs can not distinguish between the colors green and red color, but the dogs can see colors in the form of yellow or blue shadow.

2 Dog Can Eat Vegetables and Fruits
It is not uncommon dog is described as a carnivore animals that most of the coverage of their food is in the form of meat.
But did you know that dogs actually like vegetables and raw fruits. Vegetables and fruits act as snack foods that make the body, skin, and their fur becomes healthier. Plus the texture of the vegetables to make their teeth white than if only consume meat.
But keep in mind to avoid vegetables such as onions or raisins kind of dog you. It can lead to toxic to animals.

3 Do not Ever Give Brown
  As a dog lover you may have heard myths about chocolate which can result in toxic to dogs. If most of the myths that one, but this one turned out to be true. Chocolate contains the chemical theobromine which is toxic and can be fatal to dogs if consumed between 100-150 mg per kilogram of total weight of dog.
Suppose your dogs weight is 10 kg, then the content of 1-1.5 grams of theobromine in chocolate can be toxic fatal for your pet dog.

4 Dogs Aged Longer Silent From Aggressive Dogs
Research has been conducted in June of 2010 and by The American Naturalist against 56 types of dogs. The study sought to find out the factors that determine the energy, personality, growth and lifespan of the dog.
It turns out that dogs with aggressive or vicious yag have rapid growth and die young. The opposite also happens that dogs are benign or not overly aggressive will have a longer life span.

5. Dogs can Kissing Disease
Dogs have penicuman very sharp and it is already known in general, but it turns out dogs can also smell the disease. If you have cancer, diabetes or epilepsy, may know the first animal that is a dog.
In a research study turns out dogs can be trained to sniff out cancer is the lung, breast, skin and prostate. The researchers suspect that the dog can smell different from those issued with abnormal cells or being sick.

6. very Sensitive Dogs Against Lightning
Did you know that thunder or lightning that occurs when rain can result in frequency or vibration that makes dogs ears to hurt? Therefore if there is thunder or lightning, sometimes surprised and barking dogs because they are very sensitive to lightning to the limit of their ears hurt because of it.

7 Dogs Like to Eat Ice Cream
Not only for humans, it can also be an ice cream snacks for dogs. Ice cream can act as a substitute for water when they are dehydrated. Ice cream has a liquid nutrients and vitamins that can make them more healthy hair. But as was said before, be careful if the ice cream is chocolate ice cream because it will actually be toxic to a dog.

8 Dogs Eating Dirt and Grass
Do not be surprised, because this is already common in some dogs if merekakekurangan minerals and nutrients. In fact, they can eat their own feces to take minerals and nutrients in the manure.
As for the grass, dog eat to help digestion processing them or when they feel uncomfortable and want to regurgitate anything that interferes with their bodies.

9 Dogs Can be Jealous
Just like humans, dogs also turned out to be jealous. This may sound strange that the dog has human feelings like jealousy, but in a study showed it turns out dogs can express their jealousy. It was evident from the similarity of the hormone oxytocin, which also exists in humans where it can be seen when a dog and a human also express their love and jealousy.

10 Trained Dogs Can Understand Human Words
It turns out that dogs can generally understand and recall up to 150 words. However, for the more intelligent dog breeds, they can remember and understand up to 250 words that have been taught by man. For example when you meatih your dog to sit, lie, spin, chase, follow, or to pretend to be dead.

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