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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Unique Facts About Cats?

Who does not know with this being irritated nan. Ranging from domestic cats often stealing salted fish until a spoiled Persian cat models and frequent trips to the salon. His behavior was very adorable. These animals are very cooperative with humans. But it turns funny and gemesnya behind this creature, turned out to save a considerable danger potential. The puss is it can be a proper media in spreading a number of germs and viruses. Starting from toxo rabies until the name is terrible. To increase our knowledge of all, here are some unique facts that we should consider: 

1 Do you know, cats (Felis catus silvestrid-), especially the house cat is one of the most powerful predators in the world. This cat is able to kill and or eat several thousand species, beat big cats (such as lions, tigers, and the like) are only able to prey on less than 100 species. However, because of relatively small size, it is not harmful to humans (thank goodness ...). But still it is very dangerous if the cat is infected with rabies. 

2 Cats have been associated with human life at least since 3500 years ago. When the ancient Egyptians had used the cat to repel pests rats and other rodents from their harvest. However, believe it or not, in this world there is only 1% of the cat population in the world which include pure strains or cat race. The rest is the result of mixing cats of different races or what we commonly refer to as domestic cats. Because of this, the cat cat races including the most frequently sought after and expensive. 

     3 In Indonesia, a cat often written with the word "meow". In the English language used in the United States, often written by a cat "Meow". In the UK alone, the sound of a cat written "Miaow". If the Japanese are often written with the word "him". 

     4 Cats typically weigh between 2.5 to 7 kg and rarely exceeding 10 kg, except for being fed excess, the pussy can reach 23 kg body weight. In captivity, cats can live for 15 to 20 years, with the oldest cat ever known 36-year-old! Feral cats living in the modern urban environment is only able to live for 2 years or even less than that. 

     5. Cats are very clean animals including. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair. Their saliva is a powerful cleaning agent. but can trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes cats spewing some sort of hairball or rolls of hair collected in his stomach. While the cat can save energy by sleeping more often than any other animal. Older cats sleep varies between 12-16 hours per day, with the average number of 13-14 hours. But not rare cat who slept for 20 hours in a day! 

6 Believe it or not, in the middle ages cats are considered associated with witches and often killed by being burned and thrown from a high place. Some historians believe that the outbreak of the Black Death or bubonic plague spread rapidly in Europe in the 14th century due to the superstition. That is because the number of murders cats that will improve the population of mice carrying the bubonic plague.


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