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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Beauty of Paradise From Indonesian

Bird of paradise, known as Paradisoaeidae Apoda, Minor, Cicinnurusm Regius, And Seleudicis melanoleuca is a bird that comes from Papua province of Indonesia. Birds of Paradise is very pretty in color - the color of their feathers are diverse. A bird of paradise feathers male has a very bright and colorful - colorful. This is so that the male birds have the allure of her partner (a female bird of paradise). At the time of seeking attention to her partner, the male birds of paradise will use fur color is very sharp and attractive partner, particularly fur leherlah section that will be used to lure the opponent jeniasnya. Many Papuans believe that birds of paradise this is the incarnation of a god - a goddess who descended to earth.

Because of its population is dwindling, the bird of paradise is an animal that is protected by the Indonesian government. Bird of Paradise is used as the mascot of Papua.
By having fur - fur is very beautiful, the bird of paradise is much preferred by most people.


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