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Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Hamsters are mammals that include the rodent family that had a variety of species and are almost in every country. Hamsters are often used as laboratory animals (because of their rapid reproduction) with rats and other rodents. 

The characteristics of the hamster is having a stout body, short tail, the bottom of the hamster white to gray and black, with a thick hairy coat color varies depending on the hamster species, there is a plain-colored hair hamster (1 color) as black, gray, white, brown, yellow (gold), mocha, and some are colored stripes (2 colors) such as black and white, white ash, and white chocolate. 

Most species of hamsters have cheek pouches that are useful to bring food to the burrow / nest them to be stored or stockpiled. The word 'hamster' comes from the German word 'hamstern' which means 'to hoard'. 

Hamster comes from the northern region to central Europe Siberia, Mongolia and northern China to Korea, and also from the south, from Syria to Pakistan. 

They used to breed in the border of the desert, the dunes and at the foot of the mountain, lowland heath-bush and rocky, in the valley bersungai, vast grasslands, and there are some who also lived in the planting fields. 
Hamsters have a few species, such as the European hamster, Gansu, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Campbell, Kam, Armenia, Siberia (Russia), Korea, Ladak (Tibet), Mongolia, Roborovski, Romania, Sokolov, Syrian (golden hamster), China, and Turkey.

The size of hamsters there were small and large depending on the type / species. For a small hamster or often called dwarf hamsters (dwarf) has a body length of 5 cm to 10 cm, while the large-sized hamster 10 cm to 18 cm. 

Hamster species commonly kept and bred in Indonesia is kind Roborovski hamster, Siberian (Winter White), Campbell, and Syria (Syrian). Roborovski hamsters, Winter White and Campbell, including the type of dwarf hamster syrian hamster while including a large hamster types. 
Each type of hamsters that have different colors and patterns, especially on the type of campbell and syrian many types of color and tone.

10 Facts About Dogs You Do not Know

Dogs must have often seen in our lives especially if we have a faithful pet dog awaits our return. But are you sure that you know all the facts about a pet dog? Here are 10 facts about dogs that you do not know.
A Brief introduction

Do you know this animal?

  Yes, it is a "dog", of dogs in our lives can be found in almost every place in Indonesia, both from wild dogs or a local or domestic pet dog that cost millions.
But what's so special about binatan Dogs as pets?

I myself never read an excerpt:

     "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." - Josh Billings

     "Dogs Never bite me, just human" - Marilyn Monroe

Dogs can be a true friend when we as humans where humans leave or hurt them, these animals will always be faithful waiting for our presence.

  Like the documentary film "Hachiko" about male dogs (Akita Inu Race) in Japan is waiting for his master at the station shibuya, tokyo. until eventually a sculptor named Teru Ando who touched the story of Hachiko sculpture that now can you see in statsiun Shibuya, Tokyo. To know more about your pet loyal following 10 facts you may not know about the dog.
1 Dog Not Color Blind
  You've heard the myth that dogs are color-blind in fact, can only see black and white. But in fact the dogs are not color blind, they can distinguish colors. Although unlike humans who can see millions of colors, the dog is in fact not always see everything in black and white.
Indeed, dogs can not distinguish between the colors green and red color, but the dogs can see colors in the form of yellow or blue shadow.

2 Dog Can Eat Vegetables and Fruits
It is not uncommon dog is described as a carnivore animals that most of the coverage of their food is in the form of meat.
But did you know that dogs actually like vegetables and raw fruits. Vegetables and fruits act as snack foods that make the body, skin, and their fur becomes healthier. Plus the texture of the vegetables to make their teeth white than if only consume meat.
But keep in mind to avoid vegetables such as onions or raisins kind of dog you. It can lead to toxic to animals.

3 Do not Ever Give Brown
  As a dog lover you may have heard myths about chocolate which can result in toxic to dogs. If most of the myths that one, but this one turned out to be true. Chocolate contains the chemical theobromine which is toxic and can be fatal to dogs if consumed between 100-150 mg per kilogram of total weight of dog.
Suppose your dogs weight is 10 kg, then the content of 1-1.5 grams of theobromine in chocolate can be toxic fatal for your pet dog.

4 Dogs Aged Longer Silent From Aggressive Dogs
Research has been conducted in June of 2010 and by The American Naturalist against 56 types of dogs. The study sought to find out the factors that determine the energy, personality, growth and lifespan of the dog.
It turns out that dogs with aggressive or vicious yag have rapid growth and die young. The opposite also happens that dogs are benign or not overly aggressive will have a longer life span.

5. Dogs can Kissing Disease
Dogs have penicuman very sharp and it is already known in general, but it turns out dogs can also smell the disease. If you have cancer, diabetes or epilepsy, may know the first animal that is a dog.
In a research study turns out dogs can be trained to sniff out cancer is the lung, breast, skin and prostate. The researchers suspect that the dog can smell different from those issued with abnormal cells or being sick.

6. very Sensitive Dogs Against Lightning
Did you know that thunder or lightning that occurs when rain can result in frequency or vibration that makes dogs ears to hurt? Therefore if there is thunder or lightning, sometimes surprised and barking dogs because they are very sensitive to lightning to the limit of their ears hurt because of it.

7 Dogs Like to Eat Ice Cream
Not only for humans, it can also be an ice cream snacks for dogs. Ice cream can act as a substitute for water when they are dehydrated. Ice cream has a liquid nutrients and vitamins that can make them more healthy hair. But as was said before, be careful if the ice cream is chocolate ice cream because it will actually be toxic to a dog.

8 Dogs Eating Dirt and Grass
Do not be surprised, because this is already common in some dogs if merekakekurangan minerals and nutrients. In fact, they can eat their own feces to take minerals and nutrients in the manure.
As for the grass, dog eat to help digestion processing them or when they feel uncomfortable and want to regurgitate anything that interferes with their bodies.

9 Dogs Can be Jealous
Just like humans, dogs also turned out to be jealous. This may sound strange that the dog has human feelings like jealousy, but in a study showed it turns out dogs can express their jealousy. It was evident from the similarity of the hormone oxytocin, which also exists in humans where it can be seen when a dog and a human also express their love and jealousy.

10 Trained Dogs Can Understand Human Words
It turns out that dogs can generally understand and recall up to 150 words. However, for the more intelligent dog breeds, they can remember and understand up to 250 words that have been taught by man. For example when you meatih your dog to sit, lie, spin, chase, follow, or to pretend to be dead.

Unique Facts About Cats?

Who does not know with this being irritated nan. Ranging from domestic cats often stealing salted fish until a spoiled Persian cat models and frequent trips to the salon. His behavior was very adorable. These animals are very cooperative with humans. But it turns funny and gemesnya behind this creature, turned out to save a considerable danger potential. The puss is it can be a proper media in spreading a number of germs and viruses. Starting from toxo rabies until the name is terrible. To increase our knowledge of all, here are some unique facts that we should consider: 

1 Do you know, cats (Felis catus silvestrid-), especially the house cat is one of the most powerful predators in the world. This cat is able to kill and or eat several thousand species, beat big cats (such as lions, tigers, and the like) are only able to prey on less than 100 species. However, because of relatively small size, it is not harmful to humans (thank goodness ...). But still it is very dangerous if the cat is infected with rabies. 

2 Cats have been associated with human life at least since 3500 years ago. When the ancient Egyptians had used the cat to repel pests rats and other rodents from their harvest. However, believe it or not, in this world there is only 1% of the cat population in the world which include pure strains or cat race. The rest is the result of mixing cats of different races or what we commonly refer to as domestic cats. Because of this, the cat cat races including the most frequently sought after and expensive. 

     3 In Indonesia, a cat often written with the word "meow". In the English language used in the United States, often written by a cat "Meow". In the UK alone, the sound of a cat written "Miaow". If the Japanese are often written with the word "him". 

     4 Cats typically weigh between 2.5 to 7 kg and rarely exceeding 10 kg, except for being fed excess, the pussy can reach 23 kg body weight. In captivity, cats can live for 15 to 20 years, with the oldest cat ever known 36-year-old! Feral cats living in the modern urban environment is only able to live for 2 years or even less than that. 

     5. Cats are very clean animals including. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair. Their saliva is a powerful cleaning agent. but can trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes cats spewing some sort of hairball or rolls of hair collected in his stomach. While the cat can save energy by sleeping more often than any other animal. Older cats sleep varies between 12-16 hours per day, with the average number of 13-14 hours. But not rare cat who slept for 20 hours in a day! 

6 Believe it or not, in the middle ages cats are considered associated with witches and often killed by being burned and thrown from a high place. Some historians believe that the outbreak of the Black Death or bubonic plague spread rapidly in Europe in the 14th century due to the superstition. That is because the number of murders cats that will improve the population of mice carrying the bubonic plague.

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